Solution to measure Edoxaban
We are happy to announce the launch of the dedicated calibrators and controls for Edoxaban which are to be used with Biophen DiXal and Biophen Heparin (LRT). Biophen DiXal is a specific reagent for measuring direct factor Xa inhibitors while Biophen Heparin is an universal liquid reagent for indirect and direct factor Xa inhibitors. With this new addition, we now have a complete portfolio for direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) measurement.
Find out more about our direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs)
Check with your local Sysmex representative for product availability

Biophen Edoxaban calibrators and controls

Biophen Edoxaban + Biophen DiXaI

Biophen Edoxaban + Biophen Heparin (LRT)